
In This Section
June 3, 2024

Academic and School Awards

On Saturday, June 1, graduating students received academic and School awards during a special afternoon ceremony. Ferguson Scholarships were awarded to a Fourth Form and Fifth Form recipient in the same ceremony.

The Howe Music Prize
to the student who shows the greatest interest and activity in music:

Kathryn Eva Scott

The McLeod Prize
to the students who have contributed the most to the dance program through talent, dedication, enthusiasm and spirit:

Elizabeth Anne Coleman, Holland Johnston Goss, Bo Ying Li

The James Appleton Thayer Award
to the student whose interests and efforts have contributed most in the activities of the theater program:

Mason Elaine Deas

The Ellsworth Greenley Prize
for excellence in any form of artistic work:

Huizi Han

The Ambassador Crowe Prize for Foreign Affairs
Presented by Mr. Philip K. Crowe of the Form of 1928 and formerly American Ambassador to Ceylon, the Union of South Africa, Norway and Denmark, this prize is awarded for the best performance in a political science course to:

Colter Meadows Sienkiewicz

The Prize Presented by the Sixth Form of 1873
awarded for the best performance in an English course to:

Henry Rollinson Dennis

The Keep Prize in History
Endowed by Mrs. Albert Keep in memory of her grandson, Albert Keep II of the Form of 1867, the Keep Prize is awarded for the best performance in a history course.

Beatrice Anne Fleming Selch

The Charles Halsey Clark Award
in honor of the Ninth Rector of St. Paul’s School, recognizing demonstrated interest in and appreciation for Chinese language or culture is awarded to:

Sebastian Day Lillqvist Brigham

The Charles and Benjamin Cheney Goodwin Prize
for excellence in classics:

Joaquim Sessin Bocresion

The Malbone French Prize
for the highest rank in French as determined by marks for recitations and examinations:

Cora Mackenzie Kerkhoven Partridge

The Spanhoofd Prize
for the highest rank in German, as determined by marks for recitations and examinations:

Edith Marlowe Jones

The Ambassador Duke Spanish Prize
for the highest rank in Spanish as determined by marks for recitations and examinations:

Henry Rollinson Dennis

The John Hargate Medal
to the student who attains the highest rank in mathematics:

Joaquim Sessin Bocresion

The Vanderpoel Prize in the Natural Sciences
to the student with the most distinguished record in science:

Alison Ann Jankowski

The Ferguson Scholarships
are the School’s most distinguished prizes for its scholars. Fifth and Fourth Form students are nominated by the faculty, based on high academic achievement. Each finalist submitted an essay to, and completed an interview with, the Ferguson Committee. The winners of the Ferguson Scholarships this year are:

Cristina Elena Baron ‘25
Ziyang Huang ‘26

The Charles S. Knox Memorial Cup
to the student of the graduating Form who has attained the greatest distinction in scholarship during his or her years at St. Paul’s School:

Henry Rollinson Dennis

The following students were recognized with Character Awards.

The Community Engagement Award
established in 2011 for their dedication to making a difference in the lives of others through participation in a variety of service programs and organizations:

Lidia Magdalena Zur Muhlen

The Schlager Prize for Valor
to the student who, during his or her years at the School, has exhibited courage, strength of character and a determination to succeed:

Aydin Sahba Yaqouby

The George W. Chase Award
established in 1997 for cheerful, thoughtful, enthusiastic and selfless inspiration to others in the house:

Madeline West Scholz

The Clifford J. Gillespie Medal
established in 1997 for the qualities of honesty, integrity and an eagerness to undertake the tasks, great and small, that make the School a better place:

Brad Michael Cox

The Reverend Dr. Everett P. Smith Prize
to the student who has contributed conspicuously to the morale and well-being of the School, its students or the community:

Georgia Elizabeth Bussey

The Benjamin Rush Toland Prize
to the Sixth Former who best combines the qualities of intellectual achievement, athletic ability and a gallant spirit:

Colter Meadows Sienkiewicz

The Rector’s Awards
awarded to graduating Sixth Formers who, through selfless devotion to School activities, have enhanced our lives and improved the community shared by all at St. Paul’s School:

Conley Edward Bohan, Sebastian Day Lillqvist Brigham, Skylar Allison Christoffersen, Georgia Hemstock Cooper, Katherine Lee Hillery, Kennedy Leigh Hinojosa, Edith Marlowe Jones, Marlie Nicole Marie Ross, Kaden Hunter Roy, Aydin Sahba Yaqouby, Kathryn Eva Scott, Hudson Josiah Stovall, Lidia Magdalena Zur Muhlen

The Rector’s Medal
awarded to a graduating Sixth Former who deserves special recognition for service to the School, is awarded this year to:

Cristopher Mark Ramirez

The School Medal
for excellence in the performance of School duties:

Isabella Martinez 

The President’s Medal
The President’s Medal is awarded to the president of the Sixth Form in recognition of the excellence exhibited during the year in office and as an acknowledgment of the extraordinary responsibility this position holds. (Awarded during Graduation on Sunday, June 2.)

Cristopher Mark Ramirez

* * * * *

On Tuesday, May 28, SPS students from all forms were recognized in a special Awards Chapel that celebrated their scholastic and extracurricular accomplishments, talents and service to the greater good.

School Awards

The Horae Editors Medal
Presented to the editor of the School literary publication, Horae Scholasticae, for their sustained and highly efficient work.

Skylar Christoffersen ‘24

The Pelican Medal
Established by James W. Kinnear III of the Form of 1946, cofounder and first editor-in-chief of The Pelican, these medals are awarded to the individuals who have contributed the most to the successful development of The Pelican.

Skylar Christoffersen ‘24, Lidia Zur Muhlen ‘24

The Abidoye Family Debate Prize
Established by the Abidoye family, this prize is awarded to the student or students who have contributed the most to the debate program in terms of effort, ability and leadership.

Jacob Kwon ‘24, Cora Partridge ‘24

The Maybank Prize for Fine Arts and Architecture
Given in memory of Joseph Maybank III of the Form of 1949 by his sons Joseph Maybank IV of the Form of 1980, Bayard Randolph Maybank of the Form of 1982 and Alexander Haddon Ferguson Maybank of the Form of 1984, the prize is awarded to an exceptional student whose interest and talent in art or architecture would benefit from travel abroad following their Fifth Form year.

Julia Koeman ‘25 

The Margaret Wood Schlich Prize
Established by Mr. And Mrs. Wilfred Kurth, this prize is awarded annually to the author of the best one-act play.

Cole Edwards ‘24

The Giles Prize
In honor of Paul Trafton Giles, director of the band for 14 years, this prize was given by his family and friends and the band of 1977. It is awarded to the student who has most closely followed the example set by Giles in spirit, leadership, musicianship and dedication to the St. Paul’s School Music Program, as a performer in the wind, brass or percussion section.

Hudson Stovall ‘24

The Nancy and George R. Smith Prize for Orchestra
This prize was established in 1998 in loving memory of George Rockwell Smith of the Form of 1931 and his wife, Nancy, by his family, formmates, students, and members of the SPS faculty. George Smith spent 48 years at St. Paul’s School, first as a student and then as teacher, coach, head of the Lower School, and head of the Mathematics Division. It is awarded for the highest degree of leadership, dedication, and achievement in the Chamber Orchestra.

Jenny Jang ‘24, Jerry Fu ’24

The Sprague Chorus Prize
The Sprague Prize, given in memory of Edward Meade Sprague of the Form of 1973, is presented to the student who, by talent and dedicated spirit, upholds the choral traditions of St. Paul’s School.

Lauren Andree ‘24

The Channing Lefebvre Memorial Medal
Presented to the student whose contribution to the choir exemplifies the spirit and devotion with which Channing Lefebvre served St. Paul’s School and the University Glee Club.

Matteo Lorenzo-Giguere ‘25

The Hackett Prize
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Montague H. Hackett in honor of their sons, graduates of St. Paul’s School in 1950 and 1953, the Hackett Prize is awarded to the student with the highest grades in the most humanities courses.

Ellie Ward ‘24

The H. Boone Porter Prize in Applied Religious Studies
This prize was established in 2000 in loving memory of the Reverend Canon H. Boone Porter, Jr. of the Form of 1941 by his family. Boone Porter was a leading Episcopal theologian who was responsible for revising The Book of Common Prayer. His six years as a student at SPS were formative in developing his lifelong interests in theology, humanities, natural history and civic affairs. This prize is awarded to the Fifth or Sixth Form student who submits the best essay discussing the application of religious beliefs and values in formulating public policy in a field chosen by the applicant. The winner is selected by a faculty committee.

Daisy Wu ‘25

The Drumm Prize
Founded by Harry K. White of the Form of 1880 in memory of former teacher Rev. Thomas J. Drumm, this prize is offered to the student who, irrespective of form, attains the highest distinction in Latin, as evidenced by daily marks and record of examinations.

Angel Hu ‘24

The Oakes Greek Prize
Given in the name of F. Warren Oakes, Jr. of the Form of 1911 by his father, this prize is awarded for the best examination on the writing of Xenophon.

Jack Bocresion ‘24

The Heckscher Prize
The Heckscher Prize was created by Philip and Frances Hofer in honor of the three generations of Heckschers who have attended the School. They are Augúst, Mauríce, Stephen, Philip, Charles, and Benjamin. The prize is awarded annually to one or more Fifth Formers to defray expenses connected with a thesis or project of exceptional merit.

Anna Liu ‘25

The Joseph Howland Coit Medal
Established by Beirne Lay of the Form of 1881 in memory of the second Rector of the School, this medal is awarded to the Fifth Form student who has excelled in the study of mathematics and whose contributions and involvement in mathematical pursuits extend beyond the classroom.

Kevin Wu ‘25

The Burke Biodiversity Award
This award is given by Coleman P. Burke of the Form of 1959 to recognize the student who by inclination, participation and achievement has demonstrated the greatest interest in understanding and preserving the natural world and its biodiversity. The award supports further supervised active study and/or direct involvement in understanding the natural world and its biodiversity. This year’s recipient is recognized for his work to grow the plant lupine for the endangered New Hampshire state butterfly, the Karner Blue.

Harrison Smith ‘26

The Lovejoy Science Prize
This award is given by Frederick H. Lovejoy Jr., M.D. of the Form of 1955 to the student who has best integrated science into a liberal arts education as demonstrated through academic performance, independent project work and enhancement of science in student life.

Wilson Xie ‘26

The Community Engagement Award
This award honors a Third Former who has demonstrated a desire to positively change the world around them by participating in meaningful community service opportunities since the school year began.

Ryan Wu ‘27

The Kiril and Kate Sokoloff Prize
Awarded to a Fifth Former who has shown exceptional kindness and compassion; seeks a personal transformation toward spirituality; demonstrates a vision to make the world a better place through service for the good of mankind; and acts as an inspirational leader to his or her peers and classmates. The prize supports a special project proposed by the student and approved by the Rector and the Dean of Chapel.

Lulu Mangriotis ‘25

The Form of 1971 Visionary Award
Established in 2001, this award honors a Fifth Former who has demonstrated exceptional originality, creativity, capacity for self-direction and other immeasurable, often unheralded, qualities that have been a source of inspiration for fellow students and other members of the St. Paul’s School community.

Gretta White ‘25

Dickey Prizes

The prizes provided from 1910-1918 by Mr. Charles D. Dickey, Form of 1878, a former Trustee of the School, for the outstanding scholars in several studies in the Third through the Fifth Forms, are continued by his son, Mr. Charles D. Dickey, Form of 1911, also a former trustee.

  • Dance: Luna Huang ‘26
  • Fine Arts: Nel Peter ‘25
  • Music: Ally Hu ‘25, Jenny Qu ‘25
  • Theater: Maya Lokhandwala ‘25
  • Humanities III: Nemo Chen ‘27, Maksym Sendziuk ‘27
  • Humanities IV: Jay Nam ‘26, Henry Wilson ‘26
  • Humanities V: Lucas Miller ‘25, Miya Zhang ‘25
  • Chinese: Jason Jung Lee ‘25
  • French: Logan Bensadoun ‘25
  • German: Olivia Hu ‘25
  • Spanish: Cristina Baron ‘25
  • Greek: Luce Benetton ‘25
  • Latin: Isabel Kim ‘25
  • Geometry: Linus Krenkel ‘27
  • Algebra 2: Clara Tcherepnin ‘26
  • Precalculus: Tony Huang ‘26
  • Calculus: Junyi Liu ‘26
  • Advanced Mathematics: Sam Du ‘25
  • Applied Science and Engineering: Layla Mengistu Altamira ‘26
  • Biology: Andrew Choi ‘25
  • Chemistry: Enoch Huang ‘25
  • Physics: Sam Du ‘25
  • Astronomy: Thomas Armstrong ‘26


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Award
Awarded to the Fifth Form student who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement in advanced mathematics and science courses, the award carries with it the opportunity to receive $60,000 in scholarships.

Olivia Hu ‘25

The Smith College Club of New Hampshire Award
The Smith College Club of New Hampshire awards the Smith Book Award to an outstanding junior who exemplifies the academic achievement, leadership qualities and concern for others that characterize the thousands of women who have graduated from Smith College.

Meg Bohan ‘25

The Harvard Prize Book Award
The Harvard Prize Book Program was originated by Harvard alumni in 1910. It is awarded to the outstanding student in the next to graduating class who “displays excellence in scholarship and high character, combined with achievement in other fields.”

JB Estes ‘25

The Ambassador Kenneth Franzheim Prize for Citizenship and School Service
Established by the Honorable Kenneth Franzheim of the Form of 1943, former Ambassador to New Zealand, to be awarded to a member of the Fifth Form for outstanding citizenship and School service.

Kevin Wu ‘25

The Form of 1980 Award
Established by the members of the Form of 1980 upon their graduation, this annual prize is given to a Fifth Former who has shown selfless devotion and school spirit.

Ingrid Cassidy ‘25

The Thomas Penrose Bennett Prize
Given in memory of Thomas Penrose Bennett of the Form of 1971, this prize is awarded each year to a student with demonstrated ability and interest in Science and Mathematics to assist in carrying out a project related to one or both of these fields.

Elle Ruminski ‘26

The Archer Prize
Given by John and Margaret Archer, the prize is awarded annually to the girl of the Fourth or Fifth Form who, throughout the year, attains the highest distinction jointly in scholarship and athletics, as determined by a vote of the faculty.

Cristina Baron ‘25

The Frazier Prize
Founded by Mr. George Harrison Frazier of Philadelphia for that boy of the Fourth or Fifth Form who, throughout the year, attains the highest distinction jointly in scholarship and athletics, as determined by a vote of the faculty.

Quinton Delorey ‘25

St. Paul’s School Certificates

ASSIST student from Spain: Layla Mengistu Altamira ‘26
Weicker Scholar student from France: Philomène Le Bihan Masson ‘26

Attendance Recognition

Career Perfect Attendance, Form of 2024
Given the number of commitments required of each student, achieving perfect attendance is a significant accomplishment. These graduating Sixth Formers made it through their entire SPS career without any unexcused absences:

Lauren Andree, Sam Bentley, Conley Bohan, Jack Bretl, CC Cassidy, Henry Dennis, Eliza Ekstrand, Sarah Ernst, Kennedy Hinojosa, Alison Jankowski, Kate Pura, Beatrice Selch, Lou Szal, Charlotte Wensley, Akito Yamauchi and Lidia Zur Muhlen

Excellence in Attendance, Form of 2024
These graduating Sixth Formers made it through their entire SPS career with just one unexcused absence:

Georgia Cooper, Enzo Eckert, Jerry Fu and Odigomma Oraelosi

Cum Laude Society

The Cum Laude Society, founded in 1906, recognizes academic excellence at the secondary school level. The St. Paul’s School chapter was chartered in 1953, and its members include faculty who were elected in secondary school or to Phi Beta Kappa in college. Students may be elected in the Fifth or Sixth Form.

Newly elected Fifth Form members:
Cristina Baron, Ian Chang, Sam Du, Allison Hu, Olivia Hu, Anna Liu and Teddy Madara

Newly elected members of the Form of 2024:
Sam Bentley, Jack Bocresion, Jonathan Dase, Jerry Fu, Angel Hu, Sarah Lee, Catherine Li, Akito Yamauchi and Jerry Zhu

These students join the members of the Form of 2024 who were elected as Fifth Formers:
Sebastian Brigham, Henry Dennis, Lilly Ehlinger, Edie Jones, Cora Partridge, Katy Scott, Colter Sienkiewicz and Ellie Ward