Read more about the common questions parents and guardians have about sending their students to SPS.

High school is an exciting time for SPS students — there is so much to learn and to experience.
Adjusting to SPS life takes some time for both students and their parents, but the School community’s carefully woven network is there to support every student according to their individual needs. Advisers, teachers, heads of house, the Chaplaincy, health center, and the Dean of Students Office work together to ensure that each child is adjusting to boarding school life while learning how to balance their interests in academics, athletics, the arts and the experience of living among new friends.
Your student’s adviser is your first point of contact whenever you have any questions – large or small — about your child’s life at St. Paul’s. Adviser/student relationships are built on mutual trust in which students can openly discuss their concerns regarding any and every aspect of school life.
Heads of House set the tone for their houses. They are experienced faculty members who are especially trained for their role. They work closely with your student’s adviser, Dean of Students Office, the prefects, and the health center to create a safe, inclusive, healthy residential environment. Each house also has prefects, student leaders who have been trained to serve as liaisons between the student and adult house community, helping to ensure that student residential life is inclusive and rewarding.
Advisers, coaches, heads of house, and faculty members meet regularly to review each student’s progress and growth. The Dean of Studies and Academic Support Office work together to customize student courses of study and help them reach their academic potential.
Keeping families in the know is a St. Paul’s School priority. is our hub for general information, but if your child is accepted to SPS, you will learn more about:
An online portal for access to secure information such as schedules, grades, and billing statements, as well as additional views into daily life at SPS.
Published regularly throughout the school year, the Parent and Community eNews are useful resources for staying in the know about what is happening at the School.
A volunteer group that facilitates communications between parents and coordinates events throughout the school year to help families from around the globe connect with the School and their students.
Click here for a list of school vacations for the current academic year.
Student rules and expectations that guide our day-to-day interactions.
Get directions to SPS and check out area hotels on our Visitors webpage.
Throughout the year, the Office of Parent Engagement offers a series of virtual as well as in-person events to educate parents about life at St. Paul’s School and to connect them with other parents as well as the larger SPS community of faculty, staff and alumni.
Read more about the common questions parents and guardians have about sending their students to SPS.
Gifts to the Parents Fund help support every aspect of the student experience — inside the classroom and out.