Dean of Student Support Kate Daniels describes her office as a place for kids to come to feel that somebody understands the academic challenges they’re having — to help them know they’re not alone.

St. Paul’s offers a wide array of opportunities and managing a full daily schedule sometimes can be challenging to navigate. That’s where the Academic Support Office comes in.
Relationships are at the center of learning, and we pride ourselves on creating an environment in which you can experience authentic, meaningful relationships with adults who are committed to your success. Academic Support coordinates support structures across many School departments, working closely with advisers, heads of house, the Vice Rector for School Life, the Dean of Studies, the Director of Multicultural Student Support and others to ensure students develop the executive functioning, social-emotional and academic skills they need to thrive not just at St. Paul’s but in college and beyond.
From providing guidance around organization and time management to helping students prepare for an exam or write a report, the Academic Support team and their colleagues are ready to help any student at any point in their SPS career.
During evening study hours Sunday–Friday, house faculty advisers provide oversight and encourage productive study habits.
Study hall is located in Ohrstrom Library and is offered both during the academic day (Monday–Friday) as well as in the evening (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) from 7 until 8:30 p.m.
All of our teachers hold regular office hours. Students are encouraged to meet regularly with their teachers to review concepts, get extra practice with skills, discuss reading and writing assignments, complete homework, etc.
One-to-one assignments are made between a mentor student and a student seeking guidance and support in math, science, languages and visual arts.
Academic coaches are available to meet individually with students to provide assistance with time management, organization, study strategies, test preparation and other academic skills.
Students who meet criteria for accommodations at St. Paul’s School may be eligible for accommodations on standardized tests. Please explore options below to learn more.
Requests for accommodations for the College Board SAT/AP are made early in the student’s high school career and before registering for an SAT/AP test. Please download and sign the College Board Consent Form and email the form to
For more information on the College Board accommodation approval process, click here.
Accommodations for the ACT are granted only after a student registers for the test, which can be done by visiting the MyACT website. Once a student/family has registered for the test, they must then request accommodations through the MyACT website.
Once registration and the accommodation request is completed, please sign the ACT Consent Form and email it to
For more information on the ACT accommodation approval process, click here.
All requests for standardized testing accommodations for testing scheduled for June, July, August and September must be submitted by May 1 to ensure on-time processing.
If a request for accommodation is denied by the College Board or ACT, appeals are the sole responsibility of the student and the student’s family.
Dean of Student Support Kate Daniels describes her office as a place for kids to come to feel that somebody understands the academic challenges they’re having — to help them know they’re not alone.